An African Tragedy by R.R.R Dhlomo

An African Tragedy

By Rolfes Reginald Raymond Dhlomo
(no date c.1928)

R. R. R. Dhlomo (born 1901, Siyamu, Natal [now in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa]—died 1971) was an African novelist, journalist, and editor who wrote in Zulu and English. His An African Tragedy (1928) was the first novel in English by a Zulu writer.

An African Tragedy, a novel about the corrosive effects of the city on a pair of lovers from the country, is a Christian fable of sin and forgiveness. Dhlomo’s major novels in Zulu—UNomalanga kaNdengezi (1934; “Nomalanga, Daughter of Ndengezi”) and Indlela yababi (1946; “The Way of the Wicked”)—paint portraits of Zulu life in Natal (now part of the KwaZulu-Natal province in South Africa) and Johannesburg, respectively. Many of his other Zulu works are semibiographical accounts about members of the Zulu dynasty.



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