First Editions

East India Travel Diary 1687 R100 000.

Isie Smuts' Music Book 1901 R100 000.

Enquiry into the Nature of the Human Soul 1733 R30,000
Description of the East Indian Countries of Malabar, Coromandel, Ceylon, etc. 1672 R30,000

Account of a Voyage of Discovery to the North East of Siberia 1806 R25,000

Martin Chuzzlewit by Charles Dickens 1844 R25,000

Bleak House by Charles Dickens 1853 R25,000

Little Dorrit by Charles Dickens 1857 R20,000

An Acquaintance with Description (signed) R20,000

Dombey and Son by Charles Dickens 1848 R15,000
Journal of a Residence in India 1813 R12,500

Thunderball by Ian Fleming R8,000

Jack the Giant Killer R7,500
Pounamu - Notes On New Zealand Greenstone R7,500

A Writer's Notebook 1949 R6,000

When the Lion Feeds by Wilbur Smith 1964 R6,000
Papillon 1970 R5,000

The Idea of a World Encyclopaedia R4,500

The Art of Paper Making R4,500

George Bernard Shaw: Man of the Century 1932 R4,000

Travels of R & S Lindsey 1886 R3,500

RAKA De Luxe Edition R3,500

Reynard the Fox in South Africa 1864 R3,000

Deaths and Entrances 1946 R3,000
Flush A Biography By Virginia Woolf 1933 R3,000

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The Line of Beauty 2008 R2,500

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Fiesta en Tasco. R2,000

Four Stories by O.Henry 1983 R2,000

The Gogmagog Press 1991 R2,000
The Iceman Cometh 1982 R2,000
The Frogs by Aristophanes 1937 R1,500

Chips of the Old Block 1934 R1,500

Lila: An Inquiry into Morals R1,500

The Passing of the Essenes 1930 R1,250

Merchantmen-at-arms 1919 R1,250

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