Men for All Seasons and Legendary Ladies

By Anthony Dyer
Second Edition 2008
Rowland Ward Publications, Johannesburg

There is no one more qualified to write this title than Anthony Dyer. He grew up during this period, hunted the areas himself and knew many of the professional hunters he has written about. There are chapters on Philip Percival, Bill Judd, Bror von Blixen, Alan Black, Andy Anderson, Bill Ryan, the Cottars, Myles Turner, David SSheldrick, Rene Babault, Don Bousfield, Boyce Roberts and Ken Clark. In addition there is much on Arthur Neumann, R.J. Cuninghame, Jack Riddell, Tony Archer, Pat Ayre, Donald Ker, Robert Foran, Tony Henley, Harry Selby, J.A. Hunter Fritz Schindelar, F.C. Selous and John Sutton to mention a few. The incredible women of that time are represented by Elizabeth Cross, Kathleen Seth-Smith, Vivienne de Watteville, Geraldine Sladen and Beryl Markham.

22.5cm x 28.5cm


Men for All Seasons

Travels and Adventure in South-East Africa R2,500