Customs and Attire of the Peoples of the Cape of Good Hope

Coutumes Moeurs & Habillemens des Peuples Qui Habitent aux Environs du Cap de Bonne Esperance avec une Description des Animaux et Reptiles qui set truvent dans ce Pais
[Customs, Manners, and Attire of the Peoples Who Inhabit the Vicinity of the Cape of Good Hope, with a Description of the Animals and Reptiles Found in this Country.]
By Henri Chatelain
Huguenot pastor Henri Abraham Chatelain (1684–1743) was born in Paris, but moved across Europe as religious hostilities increased under Louis XIV. Chatelain drafted his own original maps, which conveyed the breadth of his historical and geographical knowledge through their ethnographic, heraldic and cosmographic details.

From 1705 to 1720, the Chatelain family published the monumental Atlas historique, ou nouvelle introduction à l’histoire, à la chronologie & à la géographie ancienne et moderne in seven volumes, which included two hundred and eighty-five engraved maps, views, plans, tables, heraldic and genealogical charts. While Henri Chatelain himself was responsible for the plates, the extensive accompanying text was compiled by historian Nicholas Gueudeville-Garillon, and included a supplement by polymath Henri Philippe de Limiers.

Copperplate engraving.

477mm x 448mm


Peoples of the Cape of Good Hope

Holmdens Map of Johannesburg c.1945 R15,000


The Cape of Good Hope c.1725 R12,500