French Map of Africa 1790
By Louis Charles Desnos.
Desnos held the coveted position of Royal Globemaker for the Danish King, Christian VII . For this he received an annual stipend of 500 livres. In return he sent the king maps, books and atlases each year. He was a bookseller and publisher and produced a considerable body of work and is often associated with the geographers Zannoni and Louis Brion de la Tour (1756-1823). His large output of published maps sometimes earned him, among his detractors jealous of his fame, a bad reputation among other cartographers, who considered him unscrupulous and uncritical about what should and should not be publishable. Desnos had a long history of legal wrangling with other Parisian cartographers and publishers during this period. He had a reputation for publishing anything presented to him regardless of accuracy or copyright.
Hand coloured copperplate engraving.500mm x 305mm excluding mount board