Dadoo Ltd Proposed New Shopfront 1938

By P.Summerville Architects, November 1938

Art Deco shopfront proposal was commissioned by Mohammed and Fatima Dadoo
Prior to the end of World War I, the Dadoo family went on holiday to Gujarat, India.

Upon his return to South Africa, [Mohammed Dadoo] became engaged in a court battle against the Krugersdorp Municipality. White members of the community were agitated by the success of businesses such as Mohamed Dadoo’s and the Asiatic Land and Trading Act of 1919 was enacted to stall the success of the Indian businesses. This piece of legislation declared that Indians could only conduct trade in designated areas outside of Asiatic Bazaars and aimed to cut down on the acquisition of property through the usage of limited liability properties. Unexpectedly, Dadoo’s case was successfully defended by Gandhi. Gandhi argued that the business, Dadoo Ltd., existed prior to the enactment of the legislation and that it was unlawful to racially classify a business.”

100cm x 63.5cm framed


Shopfront, Krugersdorp

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