Aus dem Gantzen Africa 1723
First Edition
By Johann Michael Funcken
Text in Gothic German.
Neueröffnetes Amphitheatrum Worinnen. II. Aus dem gantzen Africa Alle Nationen Nach ihrem Habit, in saubern Figuren
[Newly opened ampitheater from the whole of Africa. All Nations According to their Habits, Religion, Cities etc.]
This is the complete volume on Africa out of a set of three books.
All 96 pages are present. Title page and intro pages (2) present.
All woodcut illustrations present.
Rebound / new end papers.
Water damage / fishmothed.
210mm x 343mm
(Cape Town B1)
Please note there may be a delay in packaging and posting as we transition from the Rand Club to the Cape Town Club.