Khaki Crusaders

By F.H Cooper

First Edition

From the author's foreword: 'This little collection of sketches was written at irregular intervals during the Palestine campaign, and sent back to South Africa to interest rather than instruct the people at home. Fortune favoured the manuscripts at a time when far more valuable documents were being lost every week, and only one of the series was torpedoed en route.'

'Herein will be found no succession of lurid battle pictures; for our lives were not always spent in daily conflict with the infidel. But shot and shell and forced march were blended with periods of utter stagnation in soaking rain and oppressive heat, brightened at long intervals by briefs spells of leave to Egypt or Jerusalem. In such proportion have I attempted to portray our life in the Egyptian Expeditionary Force.

A rare document of daily South African military life during WWI.


Khaki Crusaders 1919

The Durban Light Infantry 1969 R1,750


The Tremendous Twins 1900 R1,000